Rounding and Estimating Numbers

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred

When you are rounding to the nearest hundred, look at the
tens place digit of the number.

If the tens place digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, then the hundreds digit
does not change. You are rounding down.

If the tens place digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then the hundreds digit
increases by one. You are rounding up.

All the other digits after the hundreds digit (tens and ones digit) go to zero in both cases.

Example-1: Round 652 to the nearest hundred.

round numbers to the nearest hundred.jpg

The digit in the tens place is five or more, so the 6 is rounded up to 7. The tens and ones place digits goes to zero. Example below.

round numbers to the nearest hundred place value chart.jpg

Answer: 652 rounded to the nearest hundred = 700

Example-2: Round 3345 to the nearest hundred.

rounding to hundred

Look to the  right of the hundred place. The digit in the tens place is less than 5, so round down to 3300 . Example below

rounding to nearest hundred-3.jpg

Answer: 3345 Rounded to the nearest hundred = 3300

A few examples of numbers rounded to nearest hundred

671 rounded to the nearest hundred = 700

637 rounded to the nearest hundred = 600

617 rounded to the nearest hundred = 600

103 rounded to the nearest hundred = 100

534 rounded to the nearest hundred = 500

554 rounded to the nearest hundred = 600

195 rounded to the nearest hundred = 200

7671 rounded to the nearest hundred = 7700

8671 rounded to the nearest hundred = 8700

2221 rounded to the nearest hundred = 2200

3444 rounded to the nearest hundred = 3400

2793 rounded to the nearest hundred = 2800