> Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten Thousand <

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten Thousand

When rounding to the nearest ten thousand, If the
number to the right is 5 or more, increase the place
value number by one and make the remaining
numbers zero. (5 or more round up)

If the number to the right is 4 or less, keep the place
value number the same and make the remaining
numbers to the right zeroes. ( 4 or less round down)


Example: Round 53,364 to the nearest ten thousand.

Look to the right of the ten thousands place.
The number is 3. Three is 4 or less, so we round down.

53,364 = 50,000 ( Round to the nearest thousand)


Example 2: Round 56,364 to the nearest ten thousand.

Look to the right of the ten thousands place.
The number is 6. Six is 5 or more, so we round up.

56,664 = 60,000 ( Round to the nearest thousand)